Please Fill out this Form to Apply for an Alley Art Amazin’ Mural
Please Fill out this Form to Apply for an Alley Art Amazin’ Mural
If you would like to be a part of this unique program, first you need a surface to add art to – this can be a fence, garage door or wall, shed or other outbuilding, even the side of your home or business. Also it needs to be in one of the many alleyways or side streets of Old Town Lafayette. At this time, we have a specific designated area that Alley Art Amazin’ murals and art pieces are limited to. For those perimeters, please enquire by contacting us.
Next, you will need to fill out our Mural Application. We’ll then contact you and put you in touch with one of our artistic directors and get your project on our roster for the season. We look forward to working with you and seeing a new art piece emerge, as you become part of this growing, creative phenomenon in Lafayette. Thanks for participating.